While hair loss is something that can affect anyone at any time, it’s likely that your clients will have recently noticed extra shedding while in the shower or washing their hair. But reassure them they don’t need to despair; chances are it’s just seasonal hair loss, which often begins at the start of the autumn and carries on through the colder, winter months.
“No one really knows but there are various theories. One is that increased hair growth in the summer helps protect the scalp from damaging UV rays. Another suggestion is that longer daylight hours has an influence on the hair follicle cycle and triggers more hairs to be held in the resting phase, so more hair sheds at the same time,”
No Need To Worry
But Dr Sharon says there’s no need to worry, as seasonal hair loss is not permanent but can happen annually. Symptoms include increased shedding compared to normal and shedding from everywhere rather than a localised area. In fact, the harsh, winter months can affect hair and skin as it changes to cope with the drop in temperature. “Hair often becomes drier as a result of hot and dry indoor climates compared with outside, while winter can be a challenging time for those who suffer from dry skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, with these often flaring during the winter.”
Top Tips
1 Use a deep conditioning mask weekly on the hair.
2 Take a break from heat and chemical styling. Take advantage of warm room temperatures to air dry hair.
3 Always use a heat protector.
4 Pat hair rather than rub it to minimise friction damage to cuticles.
5 Regularly moisturise your skin with a fragrance-free paraffin-based emollient.
6 Wash skin with a cream-based wash which will help to retain moisture in the skin.